A few studies have found that marijuana can be helpful in treating neuropathic pain (a specific type of chronic pain caused by damaged nerves). However, more research is needed to know whether marijuana works better than other options to manage pain.
CBD for Arthritis
Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated in quality studies in humans. Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD, but not all, report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement and/or anxiety reduction
CBD for Cancer Pain
More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer.
CBD for Migraines
When examining CBD alone, studies show the cannabinoid can be an effective treatment option for chronic pain. One survey conducted by Axon Relief—a company developing products for migraine relief—found CBD may lead to a reduction in migraine days and help decrease the impact of migraines.
CBD for Endometriosis
Yes, CBD oil can help treat some patients with endometriosis. Endometriosis causes major inflammation which is one of the reasons that individuals experience pain. CBD and CBD oils are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. CBD is also known to have mild analgesic properties which is important for reducing the pain that comes along with endometriosis.
While there have been very few studies about endometriosis and CBD specifically, we know that many chronic pain patients benefit from CBD and CBD oil. There are also many individual patient case studies which show that CBD oil can help with endometriosis.
CBD for Fibromyalgia
It mostly affects women, and currently there’s no known cure for the condition. However, treatment options are available that focus on pain management.
CBD has been used to ease chronic pain symptoms and reduce inflammation. It’s presented as an alternative to taking opioid prescriptions which can be addictive.
However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved CBD as a treatment option for fibromyalgia or most other conditions. The CBD-based prescription drug Epidiolex, an epilepsy treatment, is the only CBD product that’s FDA-approved and regulated.
There are currently no published studies on fibromyalgia that look at the effects of CBD on its own. However, some research does look at the effects of cannabis, which may contain multiple cannabinoids, on fibromyalgia.
The results have been mixed. More human studies are needed.
CBD and THC Could Help Reduce Your Pain
For pain relief, he recommends a dose of 15mg THC (0.0005 oz) to 15 mg CBD. In his experience, doses of THC less than 15 mg generally don’t provide pain relief. Doses may be increased if necessary, best guided under a doctor’s orders, to achieve pain relief without unacceptable side effects.